Mopius Mobile GmbH Apps

Nearspeak 1.1.0
Mopius Mobile GmbH
Nearspeak bietet kontextabhängige akustischeInformationen für sehbehinderte Menschen.Viele Situationen sind für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Sehkrafteine große Herausforderung: was steht auf der Speisekarte? Wann undwohin fährt der nächste Zug?Viele Informationen sind heute nur visuell verfügbar. Mit Nearspeakkönnen diese Daten über Sprache vermittelt werden.Nearspeak wurde mit der Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden undSehbehinderten entworfen, entwickelt und getestet. Es nutztInformationen zu Eingabehilfen für VoiceOver und verfügt über eineeinfache kontrastreiche Oberfläche für sehbehinderte Nutzer.Dabei verwendet es Proximity Sensoren zur genauerenOrtsbestimmung und Informationsaufbereitung.Near Speakeasy providescontextual acoustic information for visually impaired people.Many situations are for people with impaired vision a majorchallenge: what's on the menu? When and where is the nexttrain?Many information are visual only available today. With near peakthis data can be mediated by language.Near peak was designed, developed and tested with the help ofthe blind and partially sighted community. It uses informationabout the accessibility of VoiceOver and has a simple high-contrastsurface for visually impaired users.It uses Proximity sensors for more precise localization andinformation processing.
MenuSpeak 1.5.1
Mopius Mobile GmbH
MenuSpeak is an innovative app foraudiovisual presentation of a menu in 54 languages ​​.Many everyday situations are challenging for visually impairedpeople, because information, such as a menu card, is offered mainlyvisually. To overcome this, we have developed the innovative"MenuSpeak" technology.With "MenuSpeak" tourists and non-native speakers can audiovisuallyread and listen to a foreign language menu in their own nativelanguage and finally understand it.The app automatically recognizes the location (cafe, restaurant,etc.) of the user by utilizing iBeacon technology and thenimmediately supplies the user with the currently availableaudiovisual menu.Features:⚫ Translation & Display in over 54 languages⚫ Automatic audio-visual display of the menu in the native languageof the user. The language activated on the device serves as aunique recognition feature.⚫ If the user language is changed, the audio-visual display of themenu changes immediately.Mopius Mobile - We bring context to the world of visuallyimpaired people. We build mobile services with proximity sensorssuch as NFC, iBeacon, QR for smarter use
UVlower sun tracker & uv index 1.4.0
Mopius Mobile GmbH
sunbath, uv alert and protect you in the sun and keep you safe